There are many of you that can watch this video and see the tremendous upside to this product. I can see it too. It offers mobility to those who might need a little extra help. It could be good for some industrial applications as well. Those are the good things that this could be used for.

Like drones, this product seems to have a dirty dark side. There have already been reports of drone pilots misusing their craft and I am sure there are people who would misuse these "walk cars" too. Let's face it, we the people are fat enough and giving people one more reason to not do something about their deplorable health conditions is just another nail in the coffin.

Maybe these things won't have motors powerful enough to haul the morbidly obese around the Walmart. Wait this wouldn't work in Walmart, those shoppers prefer to be seated and block the entire aisle while they text on their cellphones and drive their electric scooters to the ice cream case.

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