One particular candidate for President of the United States has repeatedly suggested that this November's election will be rigged. An election rigged? People in Louisiana would know nothing about that sort of thing. I will give you a moment to stop chuckling.

Voter fraud is often teased and talked about here in Louisiana. It is a very serious issue. Louisiana's Secretary of State Tom Schedler may not be able to speak for the rest of the country but as far as the Bayou State is  concerned, our election will be on the up and up. In fact, in his comments to the Louisiana Radio Network Secretary Schedler suggests that the idea of voter fraud and rigged elections is preposterous.

We have programs in place and safeguards in place across the country. Quite frankly, that comment from Donald Trump is totally unfounded and I wish he would give some specifics.

If you're wondering if this is a partisan statement, Mr. Schedler is a Republican, just as Mr. Trump is.

One of the more talked about rumours concerning voter fraud in the upcoming election is the Russian hackers will infiltrate our countries electronic voting system and manipulate the results. Secretary Shedler disputes that claim.

How do you hack something in cyber space when you’re not in cyber space? Each machine is independently operated. They are not linked together, have a separate cartridge.

What Mr Shedler is saying is that it's impossible to use the internet to hack something that is not connected to the internet. None of our  country's electronic voting machines is.

I’m very confident in the system but nonetheless, we are more vigilant than ever because of all these allegations, we are constantly testing our equipment to make sure there is no intrusion.

I’m very confident in the system but nonetheless we are more vigilant than ever because of all these allegations, we are constantly testing our equipment to make sure there is no intrusion.

Voters will go to the polls on November 8th to choose a new president as well as voting for several other national, state, and local offices and amendments.



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