All of us have thought about it, many of us have done it. Called in to work ala the Steve Azar song "I Don't Have to be Me 'Til Monday" and told a little white lie about being sick. What's the harm right? Well apparently billions of dollars and corporate America is starting to investigate those sick days and how we take them.

Rick Raymond parked his black Kia SUV behind a row of trees and peered out at his target. It was 4a.m. on a recent morning,  and Raymond -a seasoned private detective who has worked roughly 300cases, from thieves to philandering spouses--was closing in on a different sort of prey.

So are you guilty? Is sick time off earned time off whether you are sick or not? Read more and see which side of the debate you find yourself on.

(via sick-day-bounty-hunters:PersonalFinanceNewsfromYahoo!Finance.)

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