
Simply Amazing – The Power Of Music [Video]
Simply Amazing – The Power Of Music [Video]
Simply Amazing – The Power Of Music [Video]
Music, we all hear it, we all feel it and even when we don't want it too it moves us to the places we need to be. You have to admit the right song at the right time has made the moments of your life the memories of your lifetime. If you don't believe me about the power of music in our lives, take a few minutes to meet Henry.
Steve Jobs On Life, Death, Cancer and Following Your Heart [Video]
Steve Jobs On Life, Death, Cancer and Following Your Heart [Video]
Steve Jobs On Life, Death, Cancer and Following Your Heart [Video]
Steve Jobs has died. There are a lot of people whose lives were touched by his innovative thinking and the products that thinking produced. Some people will use the term genius when talking about him. I don't think he would use that word, I think he understood that we all have our own unique genius but only a few of us dare to find it.