If you do a general perusing of Facebook on the weekends you will see at least one comment or status update that relates to staying in pajamas all day. I think we as a society like our PJ's. Why do we like them? Because when we are wearing our pajamas chances are we are on our own time and we can relax. Today's holiday takes that feel good fleece of the weekend and brings it into the workplace.

Today is wear your pajamas to work day. Think of how much more productive you could be if you could only ditch the shirt, the tie, the high heels, and the polyester for the comfort of your favorite pair of pajamas. Pajama by the way is a Persian word, it means leg garment but I suggest for the workplace you put on the top part of the PJ's too.

I believe comfort begets creativity. In my line of work that's kind of important. That is why I come to work dressed beyond casual. My usual workday wardrobe would be considered casual at most gyms and homeless shelters. Why do you think doctors and nurses wear scrubs? I'm sure it's because of the comfort factor. Do you want some  uptight man concerned about his Windsor Knot on his tie cutting open your spleen? Hell no! Give me the guy in the scrubs and the lunch lady cap, that's who I want poking around my infected insides.

Chances are your boss won't let you get away with it but just in case you have the best boss in the world. Throw your pajamas in the car and bring them in to the office. Who wouldn't trust a banker wearing a set of cowboy pajamas? Or maybe a lawyer dressed in some princess pajamas.  Life is about the moments we celebrate and if you can't think of a reason to step outside the box, wearing your pajamas to work is a great way to start.

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