Waffle House employee 18-year old Evoni Williams noticed an elderly man having trouble eating his breakfast. So, she kindly cut the food up for him so he could enjoy his meal. As result of her kindness and goodwill, Williams got the surprise of lifetime.
A hospital shoeshine man understands the spirit of giving shouldn't be saved for just December. He has given every penny of his tip money over 36 years to helping families. His amazing story will touch you and hopefully motivate you to find your own spirit of giving.
It's probably happened to you, you're about to pull into an empty parking space just as another vehicle attempts to pull into the same one. You have both arrived at the same time, the parking spot is really close to the store and you both want it, so what happens?
It might be holding the door for someone at the Circle K, or letting a motorist pull in to the traffic flow on busy Johnston street, they're basically the same thing a random act of kindness. I wonder is kindness taught or is it something that just happens in nature. Based upon this video, I would say kindness is something that is built in to the DNA of many creatures.