As many of you know, today is the first day of Spring. Although we look forward to the birds chirping, flowers blooming, and the sun shining, it is also the season for allergies, sneezing, and tons of pollen.
A lot of us are dealing with flared up allergies right now due to the high pollen count. Shoot, some times you can see a layer of yellow powder sitting on your outdoor furniture it's so thick.
We never know what we look like when we sneeze because we always close our eyes. I have been told it is a physical impossibility to keep your eyes open while you sneeze. Now you can see for yourself.
I can't stand when the weather changes... My allergies kick in with a vengeance. I was curious if there were any "natural" remedies.
For those of you, like me, that have some trouble with Allergies, I found this article that lists some food and herbal remedies to help us out.
I can always tell the season is changing, why? Because I get sick, and I start to move like a tortoise. But being a college student, mommy isn't there to make sure I take my medicine or take me to the what do I do, just take some advil and Zyrtec. What's your best advice about over the counter medicine..what really works? What should I be taking?
Your eyes are watering, your nose is stuffy, you just don't feel that great, must be springtime with all the pollen in the air! Nope, it's the dead of Winter and if you are like me and suffer allergies this actually is our prime time to feel at our worst.