Aube' collaborated with another artist on a project for country music star Granger Smith and his wife Amber to honor the couple's late son, River Kelly Smith.
In this episode of Anderson he is doing a "Viewers Got Talent' segment. This particular guest has a talent called speed painting. He does paintings in under :90 seconds. I bet you can't figure out what it is until the last second either. Watch and see if you can.
Just trust me on this one, This is simply amazing what this man can do with an assortment of paint, paintbrushes and a few other items. I really don't think anything I say can explain what or how amazing this is.
Bil Keane, who drew the one-panel cartoon ‘Family Circus’ for more than 50 years, died Tuesday of congestive heart failure at the age of 89.
‘Family Circus,’ which runs in 1,500 American newspapers, uses humor and traditional family values to chronicle the life and times of a clan with four kids, two harried parents, and three household pets.
Amy Shackleton is an artist in the truest sense of the word. Her technique for transforming liquid color into amazing landscapes is very unique. Amy is a painter who doesn't use a brush. Using only squeeze bottles, gravity and the eye of an artist, Amy creates some of the most unique paintings I have ever seen.