It's one thing to snag a few french fries on the way home but to go full Chinese take out with chopsticks while attempting to drive, really takes the cake
We all have issues from time to time with our fellow drivers. Most of the time the people that we call idiots are really good drivers, they just had "a moment" while behind the wheel. In Russia, they don't seem to have the same sense of forgiveness that we have in the United States...
IDIOT stands for: "I" /"Don't" /"Injoy"/"Obvious"/ "Thinking". Yes I know I spelled enjoy wrong, I guess I'm an idiot! You can't tell me you haven't seen someone on the road driving, and then you thought, "how did they get a drivers license."
I decided to give an award to the biggest "Idiot on the Road" and you get to vote!