In a groundbreaking moment for the hit reality TV show "Big Brother," a 27-year-old Baton Rouge man is set to become the first hearing-impaired contestant in the history of CBS' iconic series.
Was it really a better time? Were they really the best days of our lives? I can't say for sure, I like to think that a better day is as close as tomorrow. Still, the chance to revisit the past is always fun for me. If you were a kid in the 90's then this just might hit your memory button pretty hard. How many of these do you remember?
I love stirring the pot of conspiracy, partly because it leads to great discussion and partly because it's fun to watch some people freak out over things that have been going on for years anyway. The Department of Transportation of the United States of America, that would be our government has announced they would love to see "data recorders" placed in all cars. They say it's so that in