Last week I was notified that a young boy in Acadiana missed his name on the birthday card and that he really wanted to win our daily giveaway, cupcakes.
Pardon me, but I need to brag just a little bit about my niece, Kinlee Vice. Actually, it's not so much bragging as it is celebrating her selflessness.
A woman posted this video and in it, she explains how some mistaken her for being a senior citizen. Do you think she's being truthful about her age here?
The internet doesn't miss much, but I was surprised to learn on Twitter that today is the 1 year mark from when the first case of COVID-19 was reported in China. Please, join me in not wishing this awful virus a happy first birthday!
One Facebook user noticed a massive inflatable dog in the office parking lot of local attorney, Gordon McKernan. According to the post, the inflatable dog is a replica of the McKernan family dog who is celebrating a recent birthday.