The Louisiana coastline has made a better than expected recovery from the Deep Water Horizon disaster. The latest findings show many coastal areas have already returned pre-spill conditions.
Louisiana oyster experts aren't sure where to point the finger of blame for a dramatic drop in oyster production. The BP Oil spill is certainly at the top of most experts list though.
Federal prosecutors say Kurt Mix was destroying evidence after he deleted hundreds of text messages between him, a supervisor and a contractor for British Petroleum.
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Halliburton Energy Services and Justice Department prosecutors have urged a federal judge to approve a plea deal that calls for the Houston-based company to pay a $200,000 fine for destroying evidence after BP's 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
BP has announced they have agreed to pay $340 million of the $1 billion that they initially agreed to pay for early restoration through Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA).
Insiders in Washington, D.C. tell us that the release of the federal government's final report on the Deepwater Horizon disaster is imminent. Some sources close to the report say that it could be available for public consumption as early as today.