Almost everyone in Louisiana has a connection to someone who either has or has been treated for cancer. These are the most diagnosed cancers in Louisiana.
Dr. Michael Oben, the plastic surgeon that took the glue out of her hair, found evidence of lumps in both her breasts during a recent pre-surgical exam.
Packet pick up for Saturday's Komen Race for the Cure is going on Thursday and Friday from 7am until 6pm each day. The race is Saturday in downtown Lafayette.
This is a picture of my big sister Linda and me. Breast cancer took her life far too soon. I want your help in ending this awful disease. Help me turn my hair pink and raise money for the Komen Race for The Cure this weekend.
Is it legal for private companies to own the rights to human genes? Should those companies be allowed to charge researchers a fee just to try and find a cure for cancer?
Is possible for a bra to detect breast cancer?
Well, according to First Warning Systems, the answer is a resounding yes. The Reno, Nevada-based company says they have invented a sports bra that comes complete with built-in heat sensors that can allow doctors to see malignancies through a state-of-the-art thermal imprint.
I bet you are thinking one of two things, how does he know about that subject ? Or when will the funeral be after Tracy Wirtz reads this post and kills him?