Louisiana parents are being cautiously reminded that not all toys are welcome onboard. Even if you bought the toy on a cruise sponsored tour it's not allowed.
A never before offered sailing from the Gulf Coast and a solar eclipse cruise highlight what's new for Louisiana cruise ship fans in the very near future.
Carnival cruise lines takes steps to address one of the biggest complaints that Louisiana cruisers have on board their ships. Do you agree with the change in policy?
Louisiana guests who are cruising with Carnival Cruise Lines need to understand Carnival's position on the current controversy surrounding the boarding policy.
A Carnival Cruise Lines vessel popular with many Louisiana travelers was damaged by a fire while at sea. On board video shows the incident as it happened.
Carnival Cruise lines is making it clear to Louisiana passengers there is one thing you can't bring on the ship and another they wish you wouldn't leave behind.
Louisiana cruise guests can expect to pay more for this onboard amenity. It's just that some cruise lines are disguising the cost hoping you won't notice.
A Carnival Cruise Lines executive has some great words of wisdom for Louisiana cruisers regarding on-board entertainment and the truth about the pool area.