Do They Block Cellphone Signals in Hospitals and Medical Offices?Do They Block Cellphone Signals in Hospitals and Medical Offices?So why can't you get a signal out of most hospitals, medical facilities and doctor's offices?CJCJ
La. House Agrees to Ban Handheld Cellphone Use While DrivingLa. House Agrees to Ban Handheld Cellphone Use While DrivingYou may soon have to use your cellphone on hands-free or speaker mode while driving in Louisiana.Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
Bill Seeks To Ban Handheld Cellphone Use While Driving In LouisianaBill Seeks To Ban Handheld Cellphone Use While Driving In LouisianaCurrent law only sees that restriction in place while in a school zone. Louisiana NetworkLouisiana Network
Can TSA Make You Unlock Your Phone?Can TSA Make You Unlock Your Phone?I was unaware that TSA had this kind of power over the traveling public. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
School Zone Cellphone Bill Sputters, Then Passes In Louisiana LegislatureProposed legislation limiting the use of hand held cellphones in active school zones sputters but then passes in the Louisiana Senate.Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells