Five-term U.S. Congressman Charles Boustany has won a 6th term, defeating Republican Challenger Brian Barrilleaux and No Party candidate Russell Richard.
U.S. Congressman Charles Boustany, U.S. Senator David Vitter and U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Bill Cassidy are all commenting on Attorney General Eric Holder's announced resignation.
Better access to health care for Acadiana's veterans could be a reality very soon. Congress is expected to vote this week to authorize VA clinics for Lafayette and Lake Charles.
With Thursday's vote by his peers, Louisiana's First Congressional District Representative Steve Scalise has been elected to the third-highest ranking position in U.S. House leadership.
Today, the IRS released to the Committee another parody video made with taxpayer dollars. This time, the video is a parody of Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice.” Based on information provided by the IRS, the cost of the video was approximately $10,000 and was made to be shown at an IRS Small Business/Self-Employed Division Conference.
Military action in Syria, the consequences of doing or not doing anything will have an effect on the United States. What do you think? We have the contact information for Acadiana's congressional delegation available for your right here.
Ousted acting IRS chief Steven Miller testified on Friday before the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee about the scandal involving the agency, which admitted to targeting conservative, TEA Party and religious groups for audits.
Louisiana US Rep Charles Boustany will host a town hall meeting tonight at the Clifton Cheniere Center at 6:00. The event is free, and the public is invited to attend.
The election is over and the people have spoken. 61% of voters in Louisiana's 3rd Congressional district voted to send Charles Boustany back to Washington to be their voice.
Congressmen Charles Boustany and Jeff Landry will face off in a debate prior to the election on November 6th. The questions will come from you, so what question would you ask either/both men?
One of our regular contributors to the morning show phoned in this morning from Washington, D.C. Congressman Charles Boustany gave us his view on this 11th anniversary of the attacks that forever changed America.