The 80's will always be looked at as a decade that was magically tacky, in the most totally awesome way possible. Some of these things from the 80's may still be top of mind for you, but hopefully this list will make you say "OMG, i completely forgot how much I used to love that...
We never used to think of chubby kids as being anything other than adorable, but researchers are now more concerned about children’s eating habits now that more Americans are being considered obese.
According to a new study, 40 percent of American children enter kindergarten with a body mass index (BMI) greater than the 75 percentile. Anything over the 85th percentile is considered “overweight,” a
So many things this time of year remind of us our youth including the smells of yesterday. Okay I admit, smelling like yesterday doesn't sound real appealing but work with me on this. Do you remember the smell of the mimeograph machine at school? You know before copiers they printed the tests in purple ink? Or how about the odor your electric football game gave off after you had played it for nin