Museum of Fear
(433 Jefferson Street Lafayette, LA 70501)
Located at Lafayette Science Museum
For adults who aren't scared
Brand new theme, and twice as long as previous years
The 6th annual Children's Museum of Acadiana Sashay and 5 K and One Mile Fun Run is this Saturday Sept 28 in downtown Lafayette. A great event for the whole family!
Every Halloween, people make their way out of their safe environments and prepare to be scared out of their minds. It's a time of fun and fright, from grown ups to the little ones, dressing up and trick-or treating is an exciting annual event, and Lafayette has some great events to celebrate the season of screaming. Plus, there's an incredible venue to frighten the bravest souls in Baton Rouge. Ch
The Circus is coming to town, y'all! The Children's Museum of Acadiana is presenting the grand opening of "Circus, Circus, Circus!" The big tent will be set up at the Children's Museum for all the kids of Acadiana to learn and play. Your child will not want to miss this amazing event.