New Year's Noon - Shaking Out the Good Stuff at Children's MuseumNew Year's Noon - Shaking Out the Good Stuff at Children's MuseumNew Year's Noon at the Children's Museum of Acadiana is the subject of this week's Shaking Out the Good Stuff spotlight from Morton Salt.Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Volunteers Needed to Finish Mural on Children’s MuseumVolunteers Needed to Finish Mural on Children’s MuseumYou don't have to be an artist to help finish the mural; just be willing to paint!JayCeeJayCee
Scary Halloween Events in Lafayette and Baton RougeScary Halloween Events in Lafayette and Baton RougeHere are your scariest events for adults and kids in Lafayette and Baton Rouge!TerrynTerryn