Making your girlfriend breakfast and surprising her with breakfast in bed, sounds romantic...right? Not for one poor guy who had to travel up a flight of stairs and didn't quite make it.
Make this Valentine's Day special for you and that special person in your life with a romantic evening spent at one of Lafayette's love-inspiring restaurants.
This may be the biggest quandary in dating. Where do you sit when you're out for dinner? Do you sit side by side or do you sit so you can look into their eyes?
My husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this week. Our silver milestone has me thinking about all the things "they said" before we got married, and how we've managed to make it this far.
We all know that relationships aren't all sunshine and rainbows that the fairy tales make them out to be. They take work and know just how to test your love for someone. But is there such a thing as putting in too much work?
If you've been with the one you love for any amount of time, you know there are things that you fight about that in the grand scheme of life are just not that important. (Try to tell that to your wife! haha)
You know the type right, they remember something you did or didn't do from 1992 and you are still held hostage to that one mistake. So what it if it was your wedding video that you taped a football game on top of, still she is mad. Do you know why she is taking so long to get over that small incident of your short sightedness? It's all her Mother's fault. Really it is, science will back me up on t