If you've ever been to Cowboy's, and I mean ever at any time in your life, you've probably met him. You may have even danced with him. Parks native Antoine "Pops" Melancon has sadly passed away.
Russell Dickerson will be here Thursday night at Cowboy's for the 8th Annual Rowdy Christmas Concert, presented by Hampton Toyota. In honor of Russell's number one hit "Blue Tacoma" we thought we'd check one out from Hampton.
97.3 The Dawg's annual Rowdy Christmas Concert, presented by Hampton Toyota, is just about here and we want to make sure we answer all the questions you may have about the show.
Another great country music concert is coming to Acadiana as Daryle Singletary will be playing Cowboys Night Club in Lafayette on Saturday, February 10th.
Tonight is the night for 97.3 The Dawg's annual Rowdy Christmas Concert at Cowboy's Night Club in Lafayette! The show features Jordan Davis, Dustin Sonnier and Risers winner Chase Dugas.
This Saturday night at Cowboy's Night Club in Lafayette is our annual Rowdy Christmas Concert presented by Musson Patout. The show will feature national recording artist Jordan Davis, Acadiana's own Dustin Sonnier along with our Risers winner.
Once again 97.3 The Dawg presents the annual "Rowdy Christmas Concert" at Cowboy's Night Club in Lafayette and this year the show is set for Saturday, December 9th.
Once again 97.3 The Dawg presents the annual "Rowdy Christmas Concert" at Cowboy's Night Club in Lafayette and this year the show is set for Saturday, December 9th.
Another great country music concert is coming to Acadiana as Daryle Singletary will be playing Cowboys Night Club on Saturday, April 1st.
Admission will only be $15 at the door the night of the show. Doors will open at 8pm.
Daryle Singletary is known for his hits “Too Much Fun”, “Amen Kind of Love”, “I Let Her Lie” and “The Note”...
97.3 The Dawg is presenting the Rowdy Christmas Concert at Cowboy's Night Club in Lafayette on Friday, December 9th with headliner Dylan Scott. And now the show got even sweeter.
For the last few weeks we have been allowing you to send in your demos to enter this year's Showdown. Our Green Label Panel of judges have combed through the entries and selected the top 10.
This year's Country Showdown is set for Saturday, July 23rd at Cowboy's Night Club in Lafayette and brought to you by Service Chevrolet Cadillac. The Showdown gives you the opportunity to perform on stage and hopefully launch your very own singing career.