Don't mess with the Easter Bunny. Seriously, the Easter Bunny will fight you with furious anger. If you don't believe me, watch this video of the Easter Bunny handing out a beatdown Sunday night.
Children often have a different reaction to things they see out of the blue, right? You might have children who can't stand to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap to take a picture, but do they act like this?
The answer to the question of "what comes to mind first when I mention the word Easter?" has probably more to do with how old you are than what your religious background is. For those of us in the Christian Faith, this is one of the most amazing days on our calendar. For kids, our kids included, it's also the day a giant rabbit comes hopping down the bunny trail and leaves candy and good
It happened at Ranch Outlet on Saturday afternoon. The world famous Easter Bunny got HIS wish granted when he got to meet 973 The Dawg Afternoon Personality Brad 'The Whippersnapper" Vincent.