It's like Christmas in July for Cleco customers! The company is giving them a $475 credit on their bills. It could amount to a zero balance not just for July. If your bill isn't that much, the balance will roll over until the amount is depleted. So, how do you know if you qualify?
This is a shockingly funny prank brought to you by the electric company. No, not the kids TV show, the real electric company and a guy with knowledge of how circuits work inside the house.
When you see the words electric fence and experiment in the same sentence you can probably surmise that someone is going to get shocked. This video will not disappoint you.
I'll agree with you that I don't enjoy receiving my electricity bill every month! But I will also be the first to say, I'm not the most conservative person. There are a lot of things I could do different to conserve. A lot of those things are listed in the article I thought I'd share with you! New Year's Resolution Baby!