With cooler weather in Louisiana many people are getting out and walking. But if your goal is to lose weight how many steps more than 10,000 do you need to take every day?
Some Louisiana parents are facing a tough choice. Is it safe enough to let the kids play outside in the neighborhood or does that danger mean staying sedentary and a health danger for their kids later in life?
A British study shows that one of the major contributing factors in a happy marriage is a direct result of the husband not letting himself go physically after saying I do.
Here is where I am going to have to let you down a little my friends. There is one thing that you probably eat or drink daily that is doing a lot more damage than you think.
What's the number one reason we wear workout clothes? To go to the grocery store of course. Here's a hilarious video that displays that bit of irony quite nicely.
Of all the things we have in Lafayette, I haven't seen this and it's something that we could certainly use. It combines drinking and exercise, but mostly drinking.