hank williams

50 Country Songs Everyone Must Hear Before They Die
50 Country Songs Everyone Must Hear Before They Die
Country Artists With Alter Egos
Country Artists With Alter Egos
Country Artists With Alter Egos
A number of country music's biggest stars have taken on new personas to flush out new creative opportunities, and not all of these alter egos were meant as jokes. Sure, one can't imagine Charles Kelley of Lady Antebellum pursuing a full-time career as Dick Fantastic, but several superstars did just that.
Hank Williams Estate Makes Over 200 Live Recordings Available
Hank Williams Estate Makes Over 200 Live Recordings Available
Hank Williams Estate Makes Over 200 Live Recordings Available
2013 marks 90 years since the birth of country legend Hank Williams and 60 years since his tragic death. While he didn't live to see 30, the indelible mark he left on the genre is indisputable. Now, the Hank Williams Estate, which is overseen by his children Jett and Hank Williams, Jr., is making over 200 live performance recordings available to movie houses, TV production companies and ad agencie