iPhones have a lot of great features that can be very useful. We are always learning cool new hacks and there is one that I learned yesterday that every Harry Potter fan will want to immediately try out.
A small Catholic School in Nashville is making headlines over their decision to ban all Harry Potter books over concern that the spells in the books if read by a human, can conjure "evil spirits."
Did you know Louisiana has its own school of witchcraft and wizardry? Probably not, because it’s a secret we just invented. Come find out which house you're in!
Harry Potter actor Jim Tavaré, who played Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, was in a serious car accident that left him with multiple injuries, including a broken neck, punctured lung and 15 broken ribs.
Warner Bros. purchased the rights to the Harry Potter movies in 1999 for $2 million. That may sound like a lot, but here’s the part where we remind you that the Harry Potter movies have made over $10 BILLION at the box-office, which is a pretty good return on investment. That’s just one of the facts packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which takes you behind the scenes of the first film in the Harry Potter movies!
Last weekend in this space, Tracy Wirtz told you about how she was looking forward to seeing the new Harry Potter movie. Now having seen the film, here is her review:
Let the craziness begin! Harry Potter fans don't really need an excuse to throw a party for the last movie EVER-"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2" but here is a cool and fun way for your family to celebrate. Have fun standing in line this weekend, ya'll...
Next time your boss gets you riled up, or someone gets under your skin. Just remember! These spells might come in handy for all of you with magical powers out there! Give it a try!
Meteolojinx Recanto (MEE-tee-OL-uh-jinks re-CAN-toh)
Antidote to spells that change the weather.
Morsmorde (morz-MOR-druh)
It conjures up the dark mark of Voldemort
OK... I admit it... I am a HARRY POTTER FANATIC! I've read all the books (some of them twice). I've seen all the movies (some of them multiple times). I anticipate a period of mourning after seeing the last installment in movie version.
I enjoyed the last book very much and JK Rowling (I feel like we are old friends) did a beautiful job of tying up loose ends in the book.
We are coming down to the final chapters of our relationship with Harry Potter. We've already done that in books, now we are about to do the same thing with Harry and his friends on the big scree. Could there be a plot twist that was unexpectedly revealed in the new trailer for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2? Be careful this could spoil the movie for you!