There is an eerie quiet that consumes you the moment you step off the bus and walk through the gates. Gone is the laughing and horseplay of a family on vacation. Instead, there is a quiet respect for those whose final resting place is this hallowed ground.
Pretty mind blowing to think how 200 settlers from Nova Scotia got out of their boats in St. Martin and Iberia Parish, and are responsible for pretty much everything we love about South Louisiana.
For one generation, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was an event that was forever tied to the moment it happened. For my generation, one such event was the Challenger disaster.
In 1942, Parisian actress and socialite Madame de Florian fled to the South of France during the second world war, leaving everything behind. She never came back to this apartment, but kept paying the rent until her death when she was 91.
These pictures are pretty amazing. Photographer Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse has created a series of pictures called Ghosts Of History. These photos are of tourists posing in front of the Eiffel Tower, the beaches of Normandy and other historic places, and superimposed with historic pictures of these places and the tragedies that happened there. The result I think is chilling and fantastic. You can purcha
When I was a kid roller skates had four wheels and you needed a skate key to tighten them around your shoe. Then came roller blades, the inline skates that so many people enjoy. But what was before the roller blade and the skate key?
These events of our past are what have shaped our present and will ultimately direct us for the future. My life begins 5 minutes into the video, depending upon when you were born some of these events are pure history or the story of your lifetime too.
The National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, The song they play before football games and car races, that's the song I want you to think about. How much do you know about it?
You ever wonder why popcorn and the movies go together so well? I thought it was because it was quiet and tasty. Turns out it was because it was CHEAP and tasty. At any rate, it's tasty. And by golly I want some right now!