What is really going on when you wake up with that dead limb draped across your body? Is it just a bad sleep position or is your body trying to give you a wake up call?
Throwing a rock or a baseball or anything but a hissy fit requires me to use my dominate hand or look less than manly in the process. I am glad to see I am not the only male of the species that looks completely lost when we have to use the other hand.
If you’re left-handed, you know how tough it is to live in a right-handed world. Now scientists have discovered why so many of us are right-hand dominant:.
The answer may surprise you.
Today is "National Left Handers Day!" Whoop-tee-doo. Just in case you are wondering, yes I am left handed! And that just goes to show you how much people care about us. Right handers get 364 days a year and we get 1. Oh and that crazy guy you hear on the morning show, Bruce, is also left handed. Sometimes we feel so overtaken by this world of right handed people. I walked through m
Growing up in a small town and being left handed meant never being able to find a baseball glove, or golf clubs and coming home with that awful red indention on my arm from the spiral notebook at the end of the school day. There is hope for "Leftys" and those that love them. Here are some interesting gift ideas the southpaw on your list might just kiss you on the mouth for.