One of the most colorful characters in Louisiana political lore says he’s in good spirits and good health and looking forward to moving forward in life with his third wife, 39-year-old Trina Edwards and son Eli.
On Friday, the Louisiana Senate passed the House-approved bill dealing with the state's $28 Billion operating budget that would appropriate every available dollar.
Everywhere you turn right now, everyone is talking about politics. You've probably had three unintended, heated political debates in the past the week alone. When it comes to politics, Louisiana serves up some of the most unique and interesting stuff in the country. To try and get away from the serious discussion, I thought it would be fun to take a look back at some older Louisiana political ads.
This week, Clay Higgins made a return to the public eye by making a huge splash with a new video entitled "America United". Yesterday, he said he's seriously considering diving into the world of Louisiana politics, and could announce a decision as early as next week.
I'm sure the communities these talented artist live in appreciate all the money we've just dropped into their local economies. It's not like we needed that money floating around in our communities, right?
Phil Robertson of "Duck Dynasty" is no stranger to politics. He's not shy when it comes to expressing his believes in religion either. So, when you put the two together, his endorsement of Ted Cruz isn't really a shocker.