23-year-old Frank Snellings, son of former Senator Mary Landrieu was arrested this past weekend after his 2-year-old son was brought into a Baton Rouge hospital with bruises.
Louisiana Democrats hope to fill their campaign coffers with tonight's Jefferson-Jackson fundraiser. Featured guests include a candidate for President and a candidate for Governor.
When a former member of congress becomes a lobbyist on average they get what amounts to a 1,452% raise in pay. Hard to feel sorry for Mary Landrieu about losing that Senate election isn't it?
Three-term U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu was defeated overwhelmingly Saturday as voters across Louisiana elected U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy to the upper chamber of Congress.
Besides municipal runoff elections in many communities Louisiana voters are being asked to choose a Senator, some Representatives and decide on the future of the Lafayette airport.
Tonight's debate will air on statewide television beginning at 7pm. It's one final chance for each candidate to sway the hearts and minds of voters before Saturday's election.
Perhaps this is actually Landrieu's brilliant campaign strategy. The idea is to make the Republican supporters feel so over confident they don't turn out at the polls on December 6th.
Based upon Tuesday's results the sitting Senator has a lot of ground to make up on Bill Cassidy. You can expect the barbs to be flying fast and furiously over the next few weeks as we get closer to the December 6th runoff
If it sounds like more of the same, it is. Chances are this debate will not shed any new light on any glaring issues that we the people of Louisiana feel are really important.
Chances are you won't see the actual candidates or candidate committees sponsoring those heinous "my opponent hits puppies" advertisements . The real dirt will come from the national big spenders like the Democratic or Republican parties.
Is it possible that 21% of Louisiana voters hold the key to controlling the United States Senate? Here's even more proof that your vote really does count.
Last night was the final debate among the three major candidates for the Louisiana Senate. It had the usual barbs and bites but when all was said and done, more was said than will ever get done.
It's been dirty, it's been expensive, and it's been divisive, it's Louisiana's hotly contested Senate race. The latest poll and how you and I might vote next Tuesday says the winner will be...