As human residents of the Atchafalaya Basin loaded trucks and trailers and even boats with belongings and headed for higher ground, the basin's other residents have started their move to safety as well. Louisiana State Police have posted signs along roadways reminding motorist to be mindful of wildlife on the roadway. The desire to rescure a scared on wounded animal could be a very dangerous under
Officials continue to advise residents of flood prone areas to seek higher ground and protect life and property. Governor Jindal spoke to residents yesterday about the lastest information concerning the rising water. Here are the latest developments
The first bay of the Morganza Spillway has been opened. Governor Jindal and the Army Corps of Engineers decided the spillway and floodway would be put into service as of 3pm Saturday afternoon. The Governor urges residents that have interest in the area to secure life, valuables and property now. For continuing updates through out the week end;
It looks like the Morganza Spillway will be opened by Saturday. The Army Corps of Engineers mandated that the spillway be opened when the water volume increases to 1.5 million cubic feet per second (cfs) along the Mississippi River at the Red River Landing. Currently it's running at a 1.45 million cfs clip and by late Friday the Corps expects it to reach the 1.5 million cfs mark.