When the weather gets warmer they take to the Lafayette streets after sundown and they pose a major safety risk to themselves and others who use the roadways.
Does it drive you crazy when people slow down at green lights? I reached out to a friend in law enforcement and he had some insight for us as to why they might.
Cajuns can be some of the most steadfast people you'll ever meet, so it stands to reason that there are some debates much closer to home that may never end.
I suggest that anyone who has been arrested for DUI, DWI, or OWI have that noted on their license and be required to put a special colored license plate on the back of their vehicle.
When you hear people in Acadiana complaining about traffic, if it's not I-10 between Lafayette and Baton Rouge, it's probably about Ambassador Caffery.
Here is a logical and reasonable explanation for what is occurring when you feel that faint vibration of your phone while it is in your pants pocket. Who knew we were all so important.
There's a reason airlines overbook flights. To the uninformed eye, it might look like they are stealing. To the trained eye, it's still stealing but they've changed the rules to make it legal.
It's the perfect solution for those who choose not to wear a seat belt. This saves money on law enforcement and medical expenses. Sometimes it's amazing how simple the answers can really be.
It's something to think about when you don't want to think about anything too important. I suggest you go jump in the shower and let the warm water wash over your brain. Then you'll begin to see the clarity of the obtuse thought that can only be achieved in the shower.