Get your boots on for the 68th annual Mid-Winter Fair Rodeo at Blackham Coliseum in Lafayette Thursday, January 9 through Sunday, January 12, 2020, presented by Frontier Rodeo Company.
A game called "Cowboy Pinball" happened at the 2019 “Bull Bash!” this past Saturday night in Kentucky. As you can imagine, this insanely horrible idea went very, very wrong.
Get your boots on for the 67th annual Mid-Winter Fair Rodeo at Blackham Coliseum in Lafayette Thursday, January 10 through Sunday, January 13 presented by Frontier Rodeo Company.
Get your boots on for the 66th annual Mid-Winter Fair Rodeo at Blackham Coliseum in Lafayette Thursday, January 11 through Sunday, January 14 presented by Frontier Rodeo Company.
Get your boots on for the 65th annual Mid-Winter Fair Rodeo at Blackham Coliseum in Lafayette this Thursday, January 12 through Sunday, January 15 presented by Frontier Rodeo Company.
Two hundred cowboys tried and none of them were able to make eight seconds on his back. Spend a few minutes with this video and you will understand why.
Fishing for Memories, a benefit for the Alzheimer's Association, is set for next Thursday, June 19 - Sunday, 22, 2014. Don't miss out on all of the family fun for a great cause.
The dream of being a professional calf roper is what Kendrick Domingue hopes to make come true. He is well on his way to achieving that dream, thanks in part to a dream that Dr. Martin Luther King had so many years ago.
Get your boots on for the 62nd annual Mid Winter Fair Rodeo at Blackham Coliseum in Lafayette this Thursday, January 9 through Sunday, January 12 presented by Smith Harper and Morgan.
A rodeo bullfighter meets up with the business end of a bad bucking bull and the outcome is quite comical. Someone should tell that bull he needs to lift with his legs.
It just seemed like a good day to remind myself why I do what I do, shoot the bull and not try and ride the bull. I admire the courage of the bull rider and the bull fighter, I do question their intelligence every time I watch this. Ride bulls, meet nurses, at least there is one benefit to this crazy sport...