Louisiana Walmart Stores Introducing New Type of Shopping CartLouisiana Walmart Stores Introducing New Type of Shopping CartWalmart has recently announced the rollout of a brand new type of shopping cart in Louisiana the likes of which you've probably never seen.Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
Texas Man Seen Cruising Down Highway in Huge Shopping CartTexas Man Seen Cruising Down Highway in Huge Shopping CartA man in Texas was spotted cruising down a busy highway whiie driving a huge shopping cart. Chris ReedChris Reed
Major Grocery Chain Selling 26 Stores in Texas, 2 in LouisianaMajor Grocery Chain Selling 26 Stores in Texas, 2 in LouisianaYour grocery store options may be shrinking in Louisiana and Texas before too long, if a merger between two giants is allowed to go through.Joe CunninghamJoe Cunningham
5 Things That Are More Annoying Than Monday5 Things That Are More Annoying Than MondaySure the first day of the work week can be a little frustrating. But it's nowhere near as frustrating as these five things can be. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells