When he passed away last week at the age of 83, Leonard Nimoy was mourned by actors, artists, politicians, scientists, engineers, astronauts and even the President of the United States. That should tell you something. Few characters have had such a seismic impact on popular culture as Star Trek’s Spock and countless people all over the world felt like they had lost a friend. Amidst the countless tributes, there is now one that stands out: a brief but powerful remembrance from Zachary Quinto, who picked up the Spock mantle in 2009’s Star Trek and its sequel, Star Trek Into Darkness.
Both 'Star Trek' fans and beer snobs like to obsess over and complain about the thing they claim to love until they alienate everyone in the room, so it only makes sense to combine that market. Behold! The 'Star Trek' beer Klingon Warnog is here and now you can show off your eclectic alcohol tastes and unsettling dedication to a fictional universe at the same time!
When is a $70 million opening not a success? When its predecessor opened to $75 million four years ago. This is the predicament facing 'Star Trek Into Darkness,' which opened at number one at box office while being something of a disappointment.
Does this seem logical? The man we grew up with through the years as the emotionless Vulcan from TV's Star Trek is back on the big screen. This time without his trademark pointy ears? Leonard Nimoy, better know to TV and movie buffs as Spock is set to return from retirement to be a part of this Summer's blockbuster Transformers Dark of the Moon...