Lafayette Diocese to Open Churches at 25% CapacityLafayette Diocese to Open Churches at 25% CapacityArrangements are being made to welcome the faithful back to church thanks to changes in the state's Stay-at-Home order. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Lafayette Government Joins Movement to Open ChurchesLafayette Government Joins Movement to Open ChurchesAllowing churches to open using specific social distancing guidelines would certainly be welcome news for many in Acadiana. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
DOTD Work Crews Taking Advantage of Stay-at-Home OrderDOTD Work Crews Taking Advantage of Stay-at-Home OrderLess traffic means now is the perfect time to work to improve Louisiana's roadways. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Cameron Parish Officials - Come to the Beach, Just Not NowCameron Parish Officials - Come to the Beach, Just Not NowThe Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office says beaches in the parish are becoming too full for proper social distancing.Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Louisiana Offers Web Assistance to Help Businesses 'Open Safely'Louisiana Offers Web Assistance to Help Businesses 'Open Safely'You've got questions about the re-opening of the state? We've got a website with all the answers direct from the State of Louisiana. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Easter vs Social Distancing - Tough Choice for Cajun CultureEaster vs Social Distancing - Tough Choice for Cajun CultureAre spiritual salvation and tradition more important than healthcare guidelines? Many Louisiana families will be facing that question over the holiday weekend. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Louisiana Leaders Support One Buggy, One Person RuleLouisiana Leaders Support One Buggy, One Person RuleCommunity leaders say the best way to minimize exposure to COVID-19 is to not shop in groups or as a family. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells