Next time you're in your Doctor's office, take a look at all the electrical outlets. More than likely they are upside down compared to the outlets in your home. Ever wonder why?
One lawyer in Texas ran into some trouble during a court hearing when his face was replaced with that of a cat due to technical difficulties on the 'Zoom' call.
No one likes wasting their time watching a website take forever to load, and the bane of all video streaming is buffering -- but these five tips will help you avoid those hassles and make your ever-increasing dependence on the internet a lot easier.
I've read online people are having this issue with the Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy Note and others. Well my friends, I have an easy trick that should work for you!
In what might be the greatest Bromance story ever told, GoPro's founder and CEO Nick Woodman has just made good on a promise he made his College roommate.
Throw in that we here in Cajun Country often say and text words that aren't spoken anywhere else in world, and autocorrect can leave you wanting to throw your phone into the Vermillion River.
Ever since you bought your shinny iPhone it's been tracking everywhere you've been. It has a hidden function that records where you’ve been, and how long you spent there. Seriously.