Have you ever heard of the Whiter-Teeth Diet? It's a simple, effective way to get a brighter smile without using harsh whitening remedies or expensive bleaching. All you have to do is look around in your kitchen and change things up just a tad! Here are some awesome tips to get those pearly whites more sparkly.
We all remember beloved star of the movie Parent Trap, Lindsay Lohan, don't we?
As you know she has been in and out of drug treatment facilities and other rehab outlets over the past years. But how much has she really changed?
Well, We got a picture of her, and my friend, it ain't pretty...
A man from Pennsylvania has pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment. His teenage son tried to pull out his own teeth that were bothering him because he hadn't been taken to a dentist.
It seems like a simple task doesn't it? I agree! I mean we've all been brushing our teeth since we were tee-tiny...but is your brushing technique correct? Do you brush them enough? I think we all believe we do, but dentists think not..Find out how to treat your mouth right..