While promoting the new DCEU movie Black Adam, Dwayne (The Rock) was handed a random baby (who was crowd-surfed to him by her parents) and the internet has feelings.
Following a win in the AFC Championship game yesterday, Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow rocked an outfit that reminded many of an infamous photo of "The Rock".
Like any holiday that sees families congregating together and then desperately seeking activities where they don't have to talk to each other for two hours, this Easter weekend saw a strong bump at the box office thanks to a few new contenders and a handful of holdovers with some surprising staying power.
After looking at Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson dressed as "The Hulk" yesterday for Halloween, I just don't understand why the past few Hulk movies have been made with a big dumb computer generated Hulk.
I LOVE "THE ROCK"! I'm relly excited to see a movie about the legendary Charlie Pride, and how cool is it that one of Hollywood's coolest cats will get to portray Charlie in the upcoming film? Sure hope he knows how to sing "Is anybody goin' to San Antone"...