The Hollywood Reporter has put out a list of Hollywood's 100 favorite TV shows. To comprise the list, they surveyed more than 2,800 "insiders" including hundreds of actors, directors and producers.
The results of a new survey are out that asked people what shows upset them the most when they came to an end. In other words, which show do you miss the most?
As a kid of the 1980s, I watched a lot of television. So when I saw that Rolling Stone asked their readers to give their favorite TV shows of that decade, my interest was peaked.
ABC Drama is filming a pilot for a new show titled ‘Nashville,’ which will of course revolve around the life of a 40-year-0ld fictional country superstar who’s struggling with a dip in her career, trying to stay afloat in the industry. But, before you roll your eyes and claim you’ve seen this show one too many times, there’s one thing you have to know: Playing the part of Rayna James, the fading c
Miranda Lambert confirmed that she’s working on a television series that’s loosely based on her childhood in Texas. In a recent interview with Dan Van from Albright & O’Malley, the country gal talked more about the the show, which is rumored to be about a boy and a girl — likely inspired by Lambert and her brother — who help their private investigator parents solve crimes.
Attention, ‘Sex and the City’ fans: if you’ve ever wondered about Carrie Bradshaw’s life before she became part of that fabulous foursome of friends, it looks like you’re about to have your questions answered.
If you can trust the rumor mill out of Hollywood then you can say it's a done deal. Ashton Kutcher will be replacing that zany Charlie Sheen on the hit CBS Show. Kutcher teased his twitter followers yesterday with a cryptic clue that contracts might already be signed.
I don't mean the office, like the place you work, I mean the TV series "The Office" with that goofy guy Steve Carell. Well this is one of my favorite shows to watch for some reason, and I heard that one of my favorite actors is joining the show for the big Finale! Drum Roll.....Jim Carrey! Should be a good one.
Some of the oldest and most famous Soap Operas getting cancelled! To be honest with you the only Soap I've ever seen was the Soap on the Hygiene aisle. So I guess you can say I haven't really "Lived"!
I have watched members of my family, who shall remain nameless, watch all starry eyed as the Jonas Brothers filled the big screen every afternoon. I have seen my sister's posters on the wall of a dreamy Davy Jones from the Monkees TV show of the 1960's. I too had a TV crush, no it wasn't Marcia Brady, Mary Ingalls from Little House, or even Bea Arthur from Maude and later Golden Girls. I was a Kri