Louisiana pilot Felix Eugene Moncla Jr. disappeared in 1953 while serving in the United States Air Force after "intercepting a UFO" according to the plaque inscribed on his memorial in an Avoyelles Parish cemetery.
Becoming a Ceremonial Guardsman in the United States Air Force Honor Guard is a very prestigious honor. Members of the Honor Guard, Paul Bearers, Color Guard and Drill Team must maintain composure at all time, no matter what. So, how do they train to become so disciplined ? One of those ways is the hilarious "Rubber Chicken Test".
An Air Force trainee gets a real grip on her training and her trainer when she gets tased for the first time. Gentleman watch this at your own risk. Ladies you will probably be laughing at the outcome of this particular training video.
This past weekend we marveled at the United States Air Force demonstration team the Thunderbirds. Our friend Tracy Wirtz even got to experience a ride with the Thunderbirds. There is another extremely talented group of pilots that represent the United States Navy, they are the Blue Angels. Wanna go for a ride?
This weekend the skies of Acadiana will be rocking with the sights and sounds of freedom as the Sertoma Airshow takes flight. The stars of the show, The United States Air Force Thunderbirds! Tickets for the show are still available and just to give you a taste of the only kind of plane I could ever fly, we bring you this incredible paper airplane flight.