"Partly cloudy with a chance of a large bird biting my butt" they sure have strange weather in Australia. Watch as this weatherman is attacked by a pelican while on live TV.
A weatherman in Australia named Grant Denyer got the ride of a lifetime Tuesday morning as he took a ride in a stunt airplane. The TV station actually were able to have him live on the air during his trip.
I'm not sure if I wouldn't have done the same thing. Here's a funny from a tv station in Indianapolis. Poor weather dude had a bad experience as a kid and as an adult wants no part of a tarantula.
Believe it or not things like this happen in the broadcast world all the time. In the world of radio we can usually cover up the faux pas quite nicely by simply turning off a microphone or playing a song. In the world of TV it's not so simple to cover when things go bad. Not that this is particularly bad it's just kind of funny and since it happened to a friend of ours, former KLFY TV-10 Weatherma