What Is Your Coffee Mug Saying About You
If these coffee mugs could talk, we'd probably all be freaking out over talking coffee mugs! But since coffee mugs are usually the strong silent type let's see what personality traits the coffee mug you choose might say about you using only non-verbal communication.
Travel Mugs: The fact that you don't have time to sit down and actually enjoy a cup of coffee is a great tip-off to the kind of person you are. You are on the go most of the time and the grass does not grow beneath your feet. You are a multi-tasker with a swirling cloud of chaos that travels with you wherever you go. Coffee is your gasoline. You run hard and fast but as soon as that cup is empty you are going to crash hard. That is until the next pot of coffee is brewed.
The Mug With Funny Sayings : You are a closet smart ass. There are so many things you'd like to say out loud but you don't because you're way to smart to be drawn in to a war you can't win. Your mug jokes about how hectic your day is but the truth of the matter is you are just coasting. You are on autopilot. You want others to think you are working hard and your job is so demanding. You can do the job with your eyes closed and every now and then you do.
The Dirty Cup- College Professors seem to fall into this category a lot. The dirty cup is a badge of honor. It is a testament to your years of toiling and dedication to the task at hand. You don't have time to actually wash your cup. Washing the mug is for people who don't have over blown self-important tasks to attend to. Notice I didn't say tasks to complete. The man or woman with the dirty cup never gets anything actually done. They just work on it a really long time until the disease growing in their cup actually kills them.
The Odd Shaped Or Ugly Coffee Mug- You have a child. You have a child who made you a coffee mug in some sort of arts and crafts class. Your child is important to you. Therefore you will drink a scalding hot beverage out of a chalice that could fall apart at a moments notice. The paint used to hideously decorate the outside of this cup is probably toxic. That is no concern to you because you know your mug communicates the special bond between child and parent. In other words, your kids have you wrapped around their uninspired and barely artistic fingers. Good luck with that spill when that handle finally breaks off.
Different Mug Everyday Guy- You can't commit to anything. You are a mans man and you are the reason why the office coffee area is always so dirty. You drink up and drop off and then grab another clean cup from the cabinet. Washing dishes is for the ladies in the office; not for you. You are too busy wrapped up in fantasy sports, car magazines and pretending you have a girlfriend. Your idea of a serious relationship is seeing the same bank teller at the drive-through window twice a month. In your mind you are the reason this company is staying afloat. In reality you are the guy that is kept on the payroll to keep everyone else looking above average.
Did I miss your mug? Chances are the mug you use says wonderful things about you. We know it would say you have great taste in radio stations and radio station websites. Send us a picture of your mug and we'd be happy to have our experts give you a free personality exam.
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