The 10 Most Redneck Cities In America
Comedian Jeff Foxworthy has made a cottage industry out of redneck humor with his series of 'You Might Be a Redneck If ... ' books, albums and specials. Now, a recent article has narrowed down the 10 most redneck cities in America -- and you might (or might not) be a redneck if you live in one of them.
Real estate blog Movoto used data from the U.S. Census Bureau to establish the Top 10 redneck cities based on the following criteria: the percentage of population that didn't complete high school, number of gun and ammo stores per capita, number of taxidermists per capita, number of cowboy boot stores per capita, number of country radio stations per capita, number of NASCAR race tracks, number of Walmarts per capita and number of riding lawn mower/tractor repair shops per capita.
Some of the results were exactly what you might have expected, but there are a few surprises in there, too, with cities in both California and Ohio making the grade.
Below are the 10 Most Redneck Cities in America, according to the article. To read the whole statistical breakdown, visit this link.
1. Atlanta, Ga.
2. Kansas City, Mo.
3. Oklahoma City, Okla.
4. Nashville, Tenn.
5. Tulsa, Okla.
6. Fort Worth, Texas
7. Arlington, Texas
8. Sacramento, Calif.
9. Cleveland, Ohio
10. Mesa, Ariz.