2019 USA Waterfowl Calling World Championships At LA Outdoor Expo
Quack your way to cash in the duck and goose calling contests during the Louisiana Outdoor Expo July 26-28 at the Cajun Dome Convention Center!
The 2019 USA Waterfowl Calling World Championships, facilitated by USA Waterfowl Calling, begin Friday evening with the junior division, open to children 17 years old and younger. The competition continues through the weekend as follows:
- Friday – July 26th: Junior Mallard Meat, Junior Specklebelly
- Saturday – July 27th: Open Team Real Duck, Open Real Duck, Hunters Class - Team Mallard Meat, Open Team Mallard Meat, Open Mallard Meat, Open Duck - Gulf Coast Regional
- Sunday – July 28th: Open Team Snow Goose, Open Snow Goose, Hunters Class – Team Specklebelly, Open Team Specklebelly, Open Specklebelly Goose
The contests are open to all attendees of the Louisiana Outdoor Expo. Entry fees for the Junior are free. Hunter Class Teams are $10 per contestant per contest. Entry fees for the Open and Open Team competitions are $50 per contest. See or speak with officials from USA Waterfowl Calling Duck for more information or clarification.
The Louisiana Outdoor Expo is sponsored by Fire & Safety Specialists.
USA Waterfowl Calling World Championships Contest Rules
(These rules subject to change. See official rules at time of contest)
1: Registration:
Registration will be by official entry blank which can be obtained at the onsite registration. Only the first event has a set time. All other events will start immediately at the conclusion of the previous event.
2: Order of Appearance of Contestants:
Subsequent to the closing of registration, a master list will be prepared listing all contestants. Each contestant will draw a number for order of appearance. The contestants in any callback, which the committee may require, will draw a new number before each appearance. Contestants shall be identified by number only until the conclusion of the contest. Contestants will not be permitted to leave the isolation area during contest except when accompanied by a contest official. Smoking shall not be allowed in the isolation area. There will be three (3) rounds of competition in each event. Cuts will be made after first and second rounds according to point standings. Regardless of the beginning contestant numbers, the top five (5) contestants will be called back for the final round. Before determining those eligible for callback and determining a winner, the total number of points for each contestant will be determined by totaling the scores from all judges. The contestant with the highest score shall be declared the contest winner. The next highest score wins second place and then the next highest score is the third place finisher. In all instances, the decision of the judges is final.
3: Rules:
Callers may use any legal pneumatic call in a main street or mallard meat contest. In a Real Duck contest callers may use any legal pneumatic call, voice, and/or mechanical call. No electronic equipment of any kind is allowed. For any reason, contestants may be asked by the judges to repeat calls. No cell phones allowed in the isolated area (bullpen). Any use will be grounds for disqualification. There shall be no talking or communication in any form with anyone other than a contest official or contest competitor while inside the isolation area and only with a contest official while outside the isolation area during the contest. The use of alcoholic beverages or drugs will not be permitted during the competition. This or any other conduct unbecoming a sportsman, sport-woman, gentleman, or lady, as determined by the designated contest official, said contestant will be disqualified. USA Waterfowl Calling World Championships (USAWCWC) reserves the right to interpret the application of the contest rules and policies. All rules subject to interpretation by USAWCWC official are final. Any Questions please see a USAWCWC official before contest begins.
4: Method of Judging:
Contestants will be asked whether they want a “warm up” or not. Warm up is not to exceed fifteen (15) seconds. The red light will be on when contestant steps on stage and will go off at 10 seconds into the callers warm up giving them 5 seconds to conclude their warm up. Contestants must make no sound except for calling onstage, will result in elimination. Each time a contestant is permitted to call the time shall be limited to one and one-half (1-1/2) minutes (90 seconds). Any caller who blows over the time limit will be disqualified. A red signal light will be in view of the contestants. When a contestant is ready or asked to begin his or her call, and so indicates by nodding, the timer will begin on first note. The light will remain off for one (1) minute and twenty (20) seconds, and will be turned on in view of the contestant at the end of this time period. The contestant must complete the call within the next ten (10) second period. Failure to complete the call before the time (red light) goes off will disqualify the contestant from further competition in said event only. There will be a designated place (stage and/or blind) for the contestant to stand. Contestant must not walk past set boundaries or be subject to elimination. Judges will be located in such a manner that it is impossible for them to see and or identify any contestant except by caller number only. Number announced by M. C.
*Note – The only exception to the above time rule is the time limit for both Junior and Open divisions in the Real Duck events. The time limit will be 3 minutes and 20 seconds for the caller to complete their routine.
5: Scoring:
Scoring for contests is by a point system. First round scores are from 0 - 9 points, second round is 0 – 9 points, and Third round is 0 – 9 points. (Points are accumulated with each round.) There are five (5) judges and the contestants high and low scores are thrown out each round. The remaining three are used for scoring. The decision of the three judge’s accumulated scores will be the final score per round. Remaining contestants moving to 2nd or 3rd round, scores are added with previous rounds. In the event of a tie after the last round, a call off will be between those in the stated tie for placement. Scoring will be from 0 – 9 points for each tying round. Decisions of the committee shall be final.
Scoring for “Real Duck” contests is by a point system. All three rounds a caller is awarded points from 0 – 9 for each species of which they are required to call. Those five scores are added together to calculate that callers score for that round. Each species must be called two or more times separated by another species in their routine. (Points are accumulated with each round.) There are five (5) judges and the contestants high and low scores are thrown out each round. The remaining three are used for scoring. The decision of the three judge’s accumulated scores will be the final score per round. Remaining contestants moving to 2nd or 3rd rounds scores are added with previous rounds. In the event of a tie after the last round a call off will be between those in the stated tie for placement. Scoring will be from 0 - 9 points for each tying round. Decisions of the committee shall in all instances be final.
6: Divisions:
There are three (3) divisions. One: Open Division Two: Hunters Class Three: Junior Division
The Open Division is open to any age contestant (male or female). Hunter Class is open to any age contestant (male and female). Callers cannot enter the Hunter Class if they have placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in any Open duck calling contest (Honor System). The Junior Division is open to any contestant (male or female) 17 years of age and under the day of the contest. Team calling consists of two callers and events are open to anyone. In Team Calling – Limit of three (3) teams per person, per each call event.
7: Calling Routine Descriptions:
Duck Calling
Arkansas Style (Main Street) – Judging shall be based upon contestant’s ability to bring in a simulated flight of ducks using all of the following calls: 1) Hail or long distance call 2) Mating or lonesome duck call 3) Feed or chatter call 4) Comeback call.
Mallard Meat (Individual/Hunter Class/Team) – Cut down version of “Main Street” routine. In other words, no ringing hail calls and no rolling feed calls. Mallard hen calling only. Judging shall be based upon contestant’s ability to bring in a simulated flight of ducks using all of the following calls: 1 – Hail Call, 2 – Mating/Lonesome hen call, 3 – Feed/chatter call, 4 – Comeback call, 5 – Finish the birds.
Real Duck (Individual and Team) – Hunting Style calling using a hunting scenario. Pneumatic, whistle type calls are allowed. Judging shall be based upon contestant’s ability to bring in simulated flights of ducks consisting of wood duck, widgeon, blue wing teal Hen, pintail, and mallard (hen is mandatory but drake calls can be included.) Individual and Team callers are required to call each species for a minimum of 15 seconds up to a maximum of 20 seconds in the following order wood duck, widgeon, blue wing teal Hen, pintail, and mallards. The callers are required to call each species twice during the routine. Team callers are both required to call each species for a minimum of 15 seconds. Upon Completing that species one team member can transition to the next species with their partner following. Callers are going to be judged on each species and then the scores of each species will be added together to calculate a caller/teams final score for that round. If the caller/callers fail to follow the order of species it will result in instant disqualification.
Goose Calling
Snow Goose and Specklebelly Goose (Individual/Hunter Class/Team) calling contests the following format should be followed and will be judged as stated. Pneumatic and mouth calling are aloud. It will require some contest “style” calling and hunting “style” calling (no long rolling contest hails in the speck contest). Judging shall be based upon a contestant’s ability to bring in a simulated flight of geese using all of the following calls: 1 – Hail, call at least 3 or more 2 – Hard/Aggressive, “Greeting or Come On” call, 3 – Tone, soften down your feeding, ground noises, murmurs and clucks calls, 4 – Hard/Aggressive “Come Back” call, 5 – The Finish, tone(soften)down you feeding, ground noises, murmurs, and clucks calls.
The calling scenario is as follows: Remember to PAINT a picture for the judges
You are in a hunting blind and in the distance, you see a flock of geese 8 – 12 in number. You should get their attention with at least 3 or more loud aggressive style hail calls. As the birds turn towards you, at first you stay on them with some pretty hard/aggressive greeting calls to keep their attention so that they don’t drift off. You now see that they are interested in your spread and tone (soften) down your greeting calls and start some groundwork trying to display the realism and confidence it will take to get them to completely commit to your spread. Groundwork such as murmurs and clucks must be used. The contestant can add isolated yodels with the murmurs and clucks if they desire. As the birds are on the last pass right before you call the shot the birds flare off. At this point, you hit them hard with your come back call to try to get them back and as they turn back to you, you use aggressive greeting sounds then toned down (soften) greeting call again, and finish them with some more toned down groundwork. Clucks must be used in this ground work. The contestant can add isolated yodels with the murmurs and clucks if they desire.
(See official rules at time of contest.)