5 Fantasy Football Rules That Apply To Dating
There is a strange and unique correlation between owning a pretend football team and having a real life social companion. Many guys understand fantasy football and how to play to win. If you apply those same rules to dating you'd be surprise just how many real life victories you can attain. The people at Ask Men asked their men about both dating and fantasy sports. Here's what they came up with. Ladies, these tips work just as well for you.
- Joe Robbins/Getty Images
Joe Robbins/Getty Images 1Have A Deep Bench
In fantasy sports having more than enough players on the bench is the only way to get through the season. The same is true for dating. There is no reason to date only one person when you're not in a committed relationship. If you have many options to choose from you can always make the right choice for the right occasion. That will keep you from bringing the preppy to the rodeo and the biker to the ballet. Having a deep bench is a must if you're going to be successful.
- Elsa/Getty Images
Elsa/Getty Images 2Do Your Homework
You wouldn't draft a fantasy quarterback without knowing his stats would you? Why should you date someone that you know nothing about? With all the social media options for covert stalking available there are loads of intelligence you can gather without even looking interested. You can also check the mug shots and daily arrest reports too. It's always good to know if there is a cray cray lurking behind that attractive face.
- Joe Raedel/Getty Images
Joe Raedel/Getty Images 3Don't Reach
Sometimes in a fantasy football draft you'll see a participant go way out on a limb in an early round with a pick that makes no sense. You don't want to apply that logic to dating. If you do you will be just as disappointed as the guy who thought that Robert Griffin III was actually going to make it out of the first game uninjured. Safe picks are the best picks if you want a guaranteed winner. If you don't mind getting whipped or humiliated then reach for the stars or the clowns with the star on the side of their helmet.
- Ronald Martinez/Getty Images
Ronald Martinez/Getty Images 4The Sexy Pick Isn't Always The Best Pick
In the world of fantasy sports every year there is a "must have player". It's the guy that everybody is talking about and that guy usually gets hurt or sucks. The same applies to the dating world. If a guy has too many women seeking his attention or a lady has far too many suitors you don't need to waste your time. There is quality talent that is out there that doesn't require you investing so much time and effort. Your opportunity for success will increase exponentially if you leave that sexy pick to the losers.
- Jim Rogash/Getty Images
Jim Rogash/Getty Images 5Don't Count On A Comeback
If a star player has been out of the league because of injury, suspension, or jail time chances are they won't be performing at really high level for a while. The same can be said of former flames or those that have just gotten out of a long term relationship. It takes a while for them to get their game face back on. Unless you want to drag around someone's extra emotional baggage to dinner and a movie stick with the players that have been in the game. They are at least ready to play and know the rules.
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