5 Random Mother’s Day Facts
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in Acadiana! We hope that you have a wonderful day getting pampered and loved on by your children.
Or, for some of you, enjoy your alone time, because we all know that is really what you want for a present!
Here are five random facts about Mother's Day you may not have known. (We know, why, you ask? Our answer is, why not?!?)
- This is the 100th anniversary of president Woodrow Wilson officially naming Mother's Day a U.S. holiday.
- Mother's Day was originally started in the 1850s by a woman named Ann Jarvis and it wasn't about giving gifts. It was a day set aside for mothers to rally together behind causes like fighting disease, mourning soldiers, and promoting peace.
- 28% of people say they feel they don't know or didn't know their mother as good as they'd like to.
- 30% of mothers in the U.S. are stay-at-home moms
- Americans will spend $19.9 billion on Mother's Day this year
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