Abbreviations in the Digital Age – You Should Know These
Sometimes it's hard to keep up with technology. It seems like lately I've had to find a teenager to help me with even the most basic stuff.Yes, even with a college degree I have trouble navigating my way through new phones, software updates, and ever changing apps.
Huffington Post is bringing us up to date on some of the newer abbreviations on social media, and you might be puzzled at some of them, even with an explanation. That's because some of the abbreviations have now become stand ins for the actual phrases they were supposed to shorten. The only thing I can compare this to, is here in the south, when you want a soft drink of any kind, you ask for a Coke. This is evident by the first item on the list. Get it? So if you have a teen in the house, scroll down and pay attention!
- BAE - Before Anyone Else
- IRL - In Real Life
- FaTH - Ffirst And Truest Husband, but doesn't actually have to be a hubby
- TBH - To Be Honest
- OTP - One True Pairing, as in relationships, not wine. Think Scarlett and Rhett
- DFTBA - Don't Forget To Be Awesome
- RT - Retweet
- OAN - On Another Note
- IMO or IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
- DAE - Does Anyone Else
- FTW - For The Win
- YSK - You Should Know
- HMU - Hit Me Up
- IANAD - I Am Not A Doctor
- SMH - Shaking My head
- WDYMBT - What Do You Mean By That
- LMK - Let Me Know
- BTAIM - Be That As It May
- EL15 - Explain Like I'm 5 (Years Old)
- ASL - Age/Sex/Location
- MTFBWY - May The Force Be With You
- GTR - Getting Ready
- FUTAB - Feet Up, Take A Break
- FTFY - Fixed That For You
- TL;DR - Too Long; Didn't Read
- TIL - Today I Learned
- TIFU - Today I Fudged Up
- NSFW - Not Safe For Work
- NSFL - Not Safe For Life
- MCM - Man Crush Monday
- WCW - Woman Crush Wednesday
- TBT - Throwback Thursday
- FBF - Flashback Friday
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