Application Process for $250 Hazard Pay Now Open to Louisiana Workers
Essential employees, frontline workers, healthcare professionals, and others who have been on the job during the coronavirus pandemic in Louisiana may now apply for a one-time hazard payment of $250 from the state.
To be eligible to receive the payment you must earn less than $50,000 annually and you must have been on the job between March 11, 2020, through May 14, 2020, and clocked at least 200 hours.
KATC Television has compiled a list of jobs and occupations that will qualify for this $250 hazard pay program:
1. Nurses, assistants, aides, medical residents, pharmacy staff, phlebotomists, respiratory therapists, and workers providing direct patient care in inpatient and outpatient dialysis facilities.
2. Housekeeping, laundry services, food services, and waste management personnel in hospitals and healthcare facilities.
3. Long-term care facility personnel, outpatient care workers, home care workers, personal assistance providers, home health providers, home-delivered meal providers, childcare service providers.
4. Emergency medical services (EMS) personnel, fire and rescue personnel, law enforcement personnel, public health epidemiologists.
5. Bus drivers; retail fuel center personnel; sanitation personnel; residential, commercial, and industrial solid waste and hazardous waste removal personnel; storage and disposal personnel.
6. Grocery store, convenience store, and food assistance program personnel.
7. Mortuary service providers.
8. Veterinary service staff.
The $250 hazard pay program was approved by the State Legislature and signed by Governor John Bel Edwards as part of the recently concluded special session. If you want the money, you'll need to apply fast. The money is only available, on a first come first served basis to 200,000 Louisiana residents.
The application process takes place online. You can reach that application here.
Just know that you will need the following information to complete the process:
– Social Security Number or IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
– Mailing address, state of residence, parish of residence
– Email address and phone number
– 2018 or 2019 individual income tax return
– Pay stubs from March 22 to May 14 (must have worked at least 200 hours)
– Bank account info (optional for direct deposit)
Thanks to KLFY Television for compiling the list of items and information that you will need.
Once your application has been accepted and approved it is hoped that you'll receive your $250 payment within 14 to 21 days.
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