Things are rapidly changing for the airline industry these days. When you have a worldwide pandemic on your hands, you really have to step up your game or be left behind. And now that some parts of the United States are entering phases to reopen, it's going to be a little different for folks who are planning to fly the friendly skies. And let's be honest, in the last couple of years, hopping on an airplane has turned into a very expensive and unpleasant experience. And now they need our help to recover.

USA Today is reporting that several airlines have changes in store for flyers during this health crisis.And if you are going to make a reservation anytime soon, it's best to be prepared. We're pretty sure that more airlines will be making similar requirements in the coming weeks. Adding to health safety regulations, United Airlines and Alaska Air announced this week that they will now require passengers to fill out a preflight health checklist. This will take place during check in, and United began this today. Alaska Air will start this procedure on June 30, and they are calling it a Health and Wellness Agreement under their Next Level Care Safety Measure. United states their requirements are under the "Ready to Fly" checklist.

Passengers will be asked to accept several questions either digitally, or by checking in with an airline agent. According to a press release sent to PR the checklist for United is below.

  • You must wear a face covering while on board for the safety of everyone.
  • Have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 21 days. Have not experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 14 days (excludes symptoms from a pre-existing condition)
    • Temperature of 38 C/100.4 F or higher
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
    • Chills
    • Muscle pain
    • Sore throat
    • Recent loss of taste or smell
  • Have not been denied boarding by another airline due to a medical screening for a communicable disease in the last 14 days.
  • Have not had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

So far, Frontier Airlines is the only airline asking passengers to take their temperature before flying, and they must complete a health acknowledgement form on their app or website before check in. And of course, if you have any questions before you fly on any airline, make sure to contact them directly.




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